Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Confusing time for Students

The 12th results are published. The main problem with the students after the result was which course to select. Whether to choose arts and science or to pursue engineering degree? Then if they have chosen to pursue engineering, there comes confusion, which department to select. They are also confused by their parents, relatives and friends. The main advice to the students is, do not select the course depends on the current, always choose the course depends on the future trend after 3 to 4 years. Because, we are not living in a stabilized world at the moment. Anything can change in just a matter of time. The other thing is whichever course you take; give your 100% in that. If you choose mechanical line, learn also some of additional courses like AutoCAD. If you choose evergreen electronics line, learn add on courses like the embedded design. So do not stick only to the theoretical concept of the course, also get trained in the practical line. Improve your communication skills in the college days itself and also improve your aptitude and analytical ability and reasoning skills. These things will definitely give you great career once you have completed your graduation.

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